Friday, May 27, 2011

Is LoVe a choice??

We discussed in our Family Relations class this week about whether or not love was a choice.. I personally believe after our discussion, that you cannot help if you are attracted to someone or not, or you find someone attractive, what you CAN choose in that situation is whether you will pursue your feelings or thoughts regarding that attraction. I, myself, decided that I was going to Choose to love Mark for eternity and I chose to make covenants with him and I will choose to keep my covenant to love him for eternity..KNOW-TRUST-RELY-COMMIT :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gender in Family Life...

"In His grand design, when God first created man, He created duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord' (1 Corinthians 11:11). There is no other arrangement that meets the divine purposes of the Almighty. Man and woman are His creations. Thir duality is His design. Their complementary relationships and functions are fundamental to His purposes. One is incomplete without the other." -- President Gordon B. Hinckley

I LOVE MARK he DOES complete me :):)

Monday, May 9, 2011

What social class are you in??

This week in our Family class we watched a series of videos about different classes in America--It was very interesting to watch- I know there are a lot of classes in this nation and I don't deny that some aspects are not fair, but it is what it is unfortunately... I personally think that the class a person is put into should depend on their actual character/how they act..not how much money they have-- BUT that is the world we live is pretty material...ok, so also, not to point a finger at Hollywood, but I'm pointing ..:) there are many of those who just inherited money and therefore are put up on a pedastol for nothing-- (Paris Hilton) for just one example that is basically nothing BUT rich.. and that is all. She has no talent and has made no contributions to society... yet she is famous...unfair yes? Well how many of you would actually want to trade spots with this lady? I would not:( She is oubviously judged and the media portrays her the way that I do, dumb and rich.. for no reason... it is sad actually, a part of me feels bad for her. And I am a bit unsettled with the fact that I also took part in judging her... but it is SO hard not to dang it! We are all working towards Godhood though right? So I think we can all improve in this area.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Stuff Life is made of...

All of these thoughts have come from reading "Inner Victory" a book by David A. Christensen. How we spend our time tells us a great deal about us, doesn't it? Time is a standard or measurement through which we can measure the progression OR digression of self or group...we cannot save time, the truth is we can't save it and we have all there is... --Opportunity is only limited by our mind, "One of the major differences between people who love life and know how to live it to its fullest and those who don't, is couched in the great commodity of TIME. The issue of time is not what we have done but what we have become...the question is not how much time we have logged, but how far we have progressed...We will never find it if we loose it...each second comes and goes, it is here, and then it is not... Overwhelmed yet? ;) haha me too! I added a wedding picture so that I could remind myself that I am striving for eternity...:) where time doesn't exist..(I don't think)??:)

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America*

Mark and I just viewed this speech by President Obama- It had an overall great feeling, and renewed our love for this country, we are so blessed to live here! Copy and paste into your search bar!:)